Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Thanks to Florida’s collaborative divorce procedure, couples that wish to end their marriage in an amicable way now have the option of utilizing collaborative divorce. At Hughes Law Group, our family divorce lawyer recommends collaborative divorce to those that do not want to enter a courtroom battle that is often time consuming and emotionally draining.

Some of the benefits a collaborative divorce include:

  • Couples can expect a quicker, more cost effective approach to traditional divorce
  • This type of divorce is more client centered: it allows for both parties to make the decisions together rather than a court
  • A less time consuming process than traditional divorce and is personalized to the couple’s needs
  • The proceedings are confidential
  • Negotiations focus on creating solutions rather than assigning blame
When couples agree to this process, both parties and their family divorce lawyers sign a participation agreement. The parties, along with their attorneys work with neutral professionals such as a joint forensic accountant and a mental health facilitator. The “team” collectively work for the parties to come to a mutually agreeable solution without litigation.

Family Divorce Lawyer

When hiring a Tampa divorce attorney, mental health facilitators and other experts are sometimes brought in depending on the needs for the individual collaborative divorce. When choosing to utilize this divorce process, you and your spouse are able to make every decision that is needed including:

Parenting - Formally Custody

When going through a divorce or paternity action in Florida, your children are your most important assets, and it is extremely important that they are protected to the fullest extent.

Child Support

For those who are getting divorced and have children, or have a child with another parent, child support is a very important issue that needs to be properly calculated and planned out.


Alimony is a Florida law that allows a wife or a husband to continue to be supported by the other spouse temporarily during the divorce and after a divorce is finalized.


Today, more than ever, we live in a society where location change is quite frequent.

Timesharing & Visitation

When it comes to couples with children, child custody and timesharing/visitation decisions are usually pretty major aspects of the divorce and paternity actions.

Equitable Distribution

In a divorce, the assets and debt of the parties, need to be divided up.

This type of divorce allows for both parties to make the decisions regarding the important issues above. When choosing to end your marriage with a collaborative divorce, each of the family divorce lawyers are present to ensure the best course of action is taken for all issues that need to be resolved.

If you and your spouse are looking to achieve a friendly, more civil dissolution, then consider a collaborative divorce with Hughes Law Group. Our Tampa and New Port Richey divorce attorney is experienced and ready to help you find the most amicable solution possible. Contact us today to learn more about collaborative divorce.