
Florida Divorce Mediation

Divorce is notorious for being costly and time consuming and typically turns into an emotionally draining process. When trying to get through a divorce in a timely and cost effective way, mediation is a great solution. In the state of Florida mediation is an extremely effective tool that addresses all types of issues that arise during a divorce. Mediation is typically mandatory if the party is unable to resolve their issues by agreement and before they can proceed to trial. Defined by the state of Florida, mediation is a process for resolving disputes that allows parties, with the help of a mediator, to come to an agreement on contested issues.

Some of the areas a Florida divorce mediation covers are:

Equitable Distribution

In a divorce, the assets and debt of the parties, need to be divided up.

Parenting - Formally Custody

When going through a divorce or paternity action in Florida, your children are your most important assets, and it is extremely important that they are protected to the fullest extent.

Child Support

For those who are getting divorced and have children, or have a child with another parent, child support is a very important issue that needs to be properly calculated and planned out.


Alimony is a Florida law that allows a wife or a husband to continue to be supported by the other spouse temporarily during the divorce and after a divorce is finalized.

Allyson Hughes, our Tampa mediation attorney, knows divorce mediation is about you and your spouse deciding on what is best for you and most importantly your children. If you are unable to agree on your issues, you will find yourself involved with Florida divorce mediation. In mediation you can expect you and your spouse to meet with a neutral third party. This neutral third party is the meditator.

Some of the benefits of mediation with a neutral mediator include:

  • Working through issues in a customized format so the marriage can end in an amicable and cost-effective way
  • Keeping the communication lines open so the process of divorce runs as smoothly as possible
  • Having a third party available to help brainstorm solutions that everyone can agree on
  • Having someone there to keep the couple focused on the issues at hand and trying not to get off track
  • Sometimes determining what issues can be agreed upon, thereby narrowing the issues that a judge has to decide
The key to an effective mediation is to be fully prepared. A mediation without preparation can be frustrating and a waste of time, energy, and money. At Hughes Law Group, our mediation attorney is thoroughly familiar with negotiation and mediation. We will guide you throughout the process.

Tampa Mediation Attorney

When inquiring about our mediation services, our Tampa mediation attorney will tell you mediation is flexible and confidential. Especially when there are children involved, mediation is a great way for you and your spouse to settle the conflict in a way that helps you two work together as parents.

At Hughes law Group our Tampa and New Port Richey mediation attorney is well practiced and has vast experience that will benefit your mediation. Learn more by contacting us about our Florida divorce mediation.