
Paternity Lawyer

In Florida, paternity is a legal recognition of a man’s relationship, and obligation as the child’s parent. It is also the process to establish child support and a contact schedule for the parents. Under Florida law an unmarried mother has superior right to her minor child unless a court orders otherwise. Due to the legal ramifications on time-sharing and child support, it is important to legally establish paternity as soon as possible after the birth of the child.

The father must establish paternity to request child custody, visitation rights, or decisions on the child’s upbringing. Establishing paternity is also important to establish a basis for the support of a minor child. The mother’s rights and responsibilities for economic and social assistance begin with the paternity determination. There are also methods to set aside a paternity determination that are time sensitive.

Paternity Through Genetic Testing

Once a paternity petition is filed, either party may request that the Court order DNA testing to determine paternity. The most common method of DNA testing is taking cell samples by swapping the cheek of the potential father, mother, and child. The tests are then compared to see if the potential father matches the DNA of the child. However, if the parties agree that the putative father is the biological father, there is no need to perform DNA testing. Paternity must be established before child support and time-sharing/visitation can be determine by a Court.

Whether you are facing a paternity action, seeking to set aside a paternity determination (disestablish paternity), seeking to establish paternity, or trying to obtain child support, custody, and/or visitation and timesharing, Hughes Law Group is here to advocate for you.